Friday, August 10, 2007

I got tagged

Mam Yammie and Josh has tagged me, so I need to give out 8 facts about myself. Sorry if you find the facts boring, but these are what came into mind..hehe

Here are the rules:
1.) In the 8 facts about [name], you share 8 things that your readers don't know about you. At the end, you tag 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. Each blogger must post these rules first.

2.) Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

3.) At the end of the post, a blogger needs to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4.) Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog .

8 Facts About SaNaSaNz

1. I don't need nail cutter to trim my nails.
I have this habit of biting off my nails in both my hands when I get bored/tensed/scared/thrilled. It all started when we got called for at the principal's office (1995 - my first time) coz we were doubted of the story we told them of the wallet we handed over to the lost and found area of the school.

2. I never had a barbie doll.
All my toys were either hand-me-down stuff toys or a water gun. I was contented w/ a balloon tied w/ something heavy and I would throw it up to the air and wait for it to come back down and do it all over again. And I was never jealous of what my sister had, eventhough she'd take mine if she liked it and didn't want what was given to her. She would try to persuade me that what I had was the ugliest thing on earth and what she'd give for me in exchange was the best. haha! and I totally believed her.

3. I give too much.
I have this thing when I have money/bonus, I buy stuffs for the people I love or close to my heart rather than buying stuffs for myself. I like to see other people or my loved ones happy even if it means putting my happiness aside - and when I see them happy it's like worth everything.

4. I have a scar at the back portion of my head (pahak kung sa bisaya pa - wako kablo sa inenglish..haha).
I never knew who tied the newly bought shaver at the end of my balloon when I was little, but what I remember is IT hitting my head and the next thing I know everyone's in panic coz my head was bleeding, I felt them (my parents and nanny) putting something cold on the wound (alcohol man tingali or martayulit kung sa bisdak pa, unsay inenglish ana?) and that was it.

5. My name is a name combo.
My dad's name is Roseller, so ROS. My mom's name is Susan, so they took SAN. They found ROSSAN to be weird and Rosanna was the nearest name so they made it Rosanna. ROSSAN was then used as the name of our store at Limketkai Mall (1992-2002).

6. I'm a frustrated Ballerina.
I did ballet during summer when I was in highschool but wasn't able to pursue my "dream" coz of financial issues. I get so awed when I see ballerinas performing and sometimes dream of performing.

7. I'm a frustrated Karate Kid.
Eversince, I always wanted to learn karate or anything related to that. I wanted to be like those karate kid's on the movies who could defend themselves and fight back when they need to. But I was never permitted by my parents coz they said I had a temper problem and I might use it (my knowledge - if ever) w/o thinking about it first and create trouble.

8. I had this allergy before from extreme coldness.
I get bumps then turns into map-like bumps. Worst case that ever happened was when we were in Kahulugan Falls, I was taking a dip on the spring pool and felt like the bumps where coming out, I was calling out to dad to inform him but I never got to the last step of the stairs.. I collapsed. They undressed me infront of everyone and they sun bathe me. I got slapped a couple of times for me to wake up and elevated my legs for circulation (or whatever), or I shouldn't have been writing this now. It's a good thing my x-bf's mom was there, who was a nurse, who took care of me even if it was so hard for her to do. We weren't really in good terms then because her son was my bf and we were in a relationship like romeo and juliet. The allergy healed on it’s own when I started drinking alcohol – that’s tanduay to be exact. Haha. Thanks yaudnatch!

I am tagging mye-mye, isa, robee, grasyah, jeminah, apple, lengleng, and ana.. and to everyone else who wants to answer this. heheh :)

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