Since I knew a few DJ's personally, I had to do something. I asked Papa Ardie of Hot106.3FM to give us a time slot and we'd document his event in exchange so he agreed. I relayed the good news to the fellow core group and true enough, our CDOBloggers President ChiQ Montes with Edward Ragpalla II was interviewed regarding the MBS3 event and had the chance to invite the Kagay-anon listeners tuning in the station.
After the interview is where all the stress started. In exchange for that interview and continuous plugging, I would have to make an AVP for their event Tatak Environmentalist, One Shirt One Tree Project that was due in 2 days. I had no other way but to dose myself of brewed coffee and had gone back smoking. Edu, also known as Magman, was there for moral support. (thanks bai, if wala pako ka thank you). He documented that day, from that morning til evening. He too was stressed with me that he finished his cigarette pack in less than 2hrs. LOL. While I was working, he took photos of Rosario Strip.
I guess that's about all it. So Magman, we now have an official date and place of where and when we started back smoking. LOLZ
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